“In the Beginning, God”

“In the Beginning…. God”

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created all things. The heavens and earth, seas and land, fish and birds, man and woman were all created by God… “In the beginning.” If you really think about it, God is at or should be at the beginning of ALL things. My concern that I see today is that most people never give God, being at the beginning of everything, a second thought. Or maybe even a first thought! Its amazing to me that the Bible starts off with these words, In the beginning, God. If God thought it was so important to allow the world to know that He is at the beginning, was at the beginning, and will always be the beginning, we should take notice.

Lets apply this thought to our lives. Is God at the beginning of everything for you? Maybe today, being January 1, this should be your goal or should I say resolution for the new year.

Beginning of your life. Have you made Jesus your beginning? Let’s start there and be sure the foundation for 2015 is solid. Search Him out and make Him the beginning of your life. John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:13.

Beginning of your marriage. No greater relationship between two people has ever been ordained, outside your relationship with Jesus, than the uniting or cleaving together of a man and a woman. If Jesus is your beginning and foundation in marriage, you have a relationship that will not be able to be explained. The love that the two of you will share for a lifetime will be a love directly from God.

Beginning of who you are. If Jesus is at the beginning of who you are, you will freely love, forgive, seek peace, be joyful, be patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, have self control and illuminate the very God of the beginning. Galatians 5:16-25

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