That New Thing

That New Thing

As I looked at my calendar this morning, I was reminded that eight days from now, my daughter will be getting married. Eight days! 

It’s comforting to know that the number eight in Scripture represents newness. Like God worked His creative act of the universe in six day’s and on the seventh day He rested. Well, the eight day would start a new week, a new day. Not a new day for Jesus to create again or continue His act of creating but a new day for us creatures to work, celebrate, and worship. 

Now I am not saying that in six days the festivities will be over and LuAnne and I  can rest. Not at all! LuAnne and I will just be starting a new phase in our lives. We will put the creative week of raising our daughter to rest, so to speak. To train up our child in the way she should go, to Love the Lord, to respect others, to live a Holy life, to train up her children to love the Lord, to love, honor and respect her husband, to represent Christ well, those kinds of things shall come to rest for the most part. Even though I can assure you that I, with my hard head, will always stick my nose places where it does not belong. 

That new thing, eight days from now, will be a huge adjustment. I am sure many of you have been there and could offer some good advice. I need to hear it… While I know things are fixing to get real and some major life changes are fixing to happen, LuAnne and I are so honored to be Mary’s parents and so excited for her and her new adventure with Adam. I am excited to step back and watch her follow Christ, to become an amazing wife, a wonderful mom like her mother, a family nurse, a package of glue that ties the family together.

Oh my, is it really just eight days form now? Excited and overwhelmed is what I am. My oh my, where has the last 23 years gone? Poof, it’s gone! That New Thing has come. God, grant us wisdom, peace, joy, and zeal for the New that You are sending. Bless these two love birds with an eternal love that only You can provide. May it resonate “New” each and every day for them as You guide them through this season of life.
